Florida CPS Law Update Tip Cards and Flyer
Florida Governor Rick Scott signed Bill 225 in June, passing revisions to Florida Statute 316.613 requiring 4- and 5-year olds to be in a child restraint (with certain exceptions) effective January 1, 2015. CPSTs and LEs can get the word out on the revised law and choosing and installing a seat properly by printing and distributing these basic tip cards (either 1-sided or 2-sided). The recommendations listed on the cards are from NHTSA's Safercar website.
OPRC Tip Cards with fillable local contact section:
1) 1-sided tip car with "Choose the Right Seat" information
2) 1-sided tip card with "Proper Installation Recommendations" information
3) 2-sided tip card with "Choose the Right Seat" on one side and "Proper Installation Recommendations" on the other
When printing the documents, uncheck the "Auto-rotate and Center" option for the tip cards to be centered after they're cut.
OPRC Tip Cards with the local contact section blank (no lines):
1) 1-sided tip car with "Choose the Right Seat" information (Contact Blank)
2) 1-sided tip card with "Proper Installation Recommendations" information (Contact Blank)
3) 2-sided tip card with "Choose the Right Seat" on one side and "Proper Installation Recommendations" on the other (Contact Blank)
If interested in a flyer, AAA posted a full-page flyer with updated law and choosing a car seat information.
Download AAA full-page flyer.